Friday, May 1, 2009

Credit crunch time ...

Decisions, crippling, motor-impairing decisions ...
Will I, and it popped up first, Reduce [my] Debt In Five Minutes? Or show prudent obeisance to Madam Whitey and opt instead for the apropos and appealing Catnip T-Shirt ("If You Don't Talk To Them About Catnip, Who Will?"-who indeed?) ... the first isn't absolute or 'debt forgiveness', and the second might seem a desperate affectation or go horribly wrong and be rubbing her face in it, she entirely choiceless, as she is with her own narcotic-visage-shrub-rub habit. She already knows that I know already. It's quotidian and if not an emotional barb then at least (and still) as unfunny and heart-cooling and a reason to avoid eye contact as an X-mas-coloured  [instant] coffee mug emblazoned with "You Don't Have To Be Crazy To Work Here" on its side and "BUT IT HELPS!" in comic sans on its base used- and territorially guarded- by Hamish at the lead smelter central office never even close to far enough away ...
The photo-verified Six Pack Abs in a click, however, isn't crowded by better ads, or ones identical but for statistically insignificant discrepancies in price/cost or qty. of clicks to the prize ...  
Six Pack it is, and a click for 'More Ads' ... I can't be the only one to actually search google just for viral-advertising, there will be other survivors with immunity afterwards, with cats.

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